Sunday, 21 February 2016

Shake(Shack) it out

In case you didn't get it, I am making reference to one of my Queens of music Florence Welsh...anyway back to the point, as promised, after countless post work meals here, it's time for the Shake Shack verdict!

Guys it feels like ageeees since I have blogged, I miss having a quiet evening in bed with a Yankee Candle giving me the right amount of motivation and energy in between the busy life that us Cardiff dwellers lead. But it was lovely recently courtesy of Nina to have a little blogger gathering and finally getting to meet up properly with Ruth. Guys if you haven't already, you must check out their blogs! I honestly get inspired reading so many awesome blogs from Cardiff these days, my other favourites (might as well say it now) are these girls Sophie, Jade and WGP..happy reading!

Lets try this again, shall we! Don't get me wrong, having tried Shake Shack in Covent Garden, the pre Christmas news of  their opening in Cardiff had me buzzing! As expected it didn't disappoint. St Davids were brilliant to choose the location near the exit, for people like me, working in the city, as this means not having to walk around the mall to get in and out quickly. 

With my London knowledge I couldn't let the girls go home without having the delicious crinkle cut cheese fries, alas there were three on the table and the whole team loved it. I also decided to change my ways and have a hot dog instead of a burger, this may be due to the fact I often feel drawn to things that relate to my home and as it's description stated it being authentic German beef, how could I say no?!

The fact that Shake Shack have a buzzer, I always think to myself is brilliant! Lazy bums like myself don't need to be waiting around awkwardly next to the till for food and hence as we sat down it was a good time to catch up. When food arrived we hungrily made our way to get it and then I realised what else I love about the Shake, the unlimited supply of dips with our own little cups to self serve. MissBonda loves ketchup and having your own little cups mean no awkward thoughts about double dipping. As we sat down, dips were split and off we ate, the first two minutes no doubt were immersed in the food.

The meal in itself when most people say is small portioned, is actually very filling. I liked my hot dog but the fries still remain my unbeaten favourite, obviously fully covered in the cheddar cheese sauce. As I was already in an experimental mode and being a lover of anything coffee related I tried the Fair Shake but must admit that it can't beat their original Shack Lemonade. 

Fully stuffed, we had the absolute delight of trying out dessert! Not being able to decide which one to eat and there being three options ended up meaning the waiter bringing us all three. The Welsh Cake would be my favourite but the team loved them all.

Overall verdict: Shake Shack is a place that everyone in Cardiff needs to go at least once. Like most places it really depends on what you choose, how your verdict will be. My personal favourite meal at Shake Shack is the simple Cheeseburger + Cheese Fries + Lemonade (Heaven) combination.

However with the likes of the The Grazing Shed and Locke & Remedy being around, it means that you are often spending more time thinking of where you want to eat than actually eating. That being said I always have time for them you know it.... CHEESE FRIES!
